AI-powered software for vehicle location monitoring

Insights News

Port Strategy July/August 2021: Gate automation and VBS

Check out Port Strategy’s July/August issue and read the article about gate automation and VBS featuring John Lund, Visy’s Sales […]
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Insights News

The launch of Automatic Damage Detection System featured in WorldCargo News

Visy ADDS launch was featured in WorldCargo News in June 2021. Read the article and learn more about how the […]
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Insights News

Visy ADDS presentation at TOC Global Showcase 2021

Visy Automatic Damage Detection System was officially launched on June 3rd at TOC Global Showcase. In his presentation, Sales and […]
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Spreader OCR’s financial impact for container terminals

How turning container handling equipment into smart device impacts the finances of a container terminal? Find out by reading John […]
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Visy in World Port Development magazine Jan/Feb 2020

The modern gate operating system (GOS) captures data on everything that enters or exits a terminal whether it is by […]
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The Golden Box

Watch the story of the Golden Box traveling through the world!
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Visy Area in World Cargo News 01/2019

Visy Area asset tracking system launched At the recent TOC Americas conference in Panama, John Lund from Visy gave a […]
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Visy TopView Spreader OCR

Watch the movie of Visy TopView Spreader OCR
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Automated Gate Operating System at the Port of Cork

Background The Port of Cork is the main port serving the South of Ireland, County Cork and Cork City. It is the second busiest port in […]
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